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An article on Saturday about a dispute over whether to restore or demolish the Modernist county government center in Goshen, N.Y., designed by Paul Rudolph, misspelled the surname of an influential painter cited by a preservationist who said people should be taught to appreciate some works of modern art and architecture. He was Jackson Pollock, not Pollack.Published: April 9, 2012
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An article on Saturday about an illegal immigrant who received a kidney from his brother, with help from people including donors and doctors at Mount Sinai, misstated the timing of a former patient's contribution of $75,000. It was in February, not in March.
The Advertising column on Wednesday , about the independent agency Doner's sale of a minority interest to MDC Partners, an agency holding group, erroneously included a middle name for Doner's founder, Wilfred Doner. While Mr. Doner used the middle initial B., his name was not Wilfred Broderick Doner. (He used Wilfred B. Doner in recognition of his nickname, Brod.)
The Disruptions column on Monday , about many companies' reluctance to discuss the working conditions at the Chinese factories that produce their goods, misstated, in some editions, the year that Apple first published a report on the issue. It was 2006, not 2007.
A music review on Saturday about a performance by the German cabaret artist Ute Lemper, at Zankel Hall in Manhattan, misidentified one of languages in which she sang. The songs by the Israeli singer and songwriter Chava Alberstein were in Yiddish, not in Hebrew.
A listing of credits on Wednesday with a theater review of "The Taming of the Shrew," at the Duke on 42nd Street in Manhattan, misspelled the surname of the actor who plays the Lord. He is Paul L. Coffey, not Coffrey.
A film review on Friday about "The Hunter," in which the prey is the animal known as the Tasmanian tiger, referred imprecisely to its relationship to the wolf. While all life forms are related in the broadest sense, the Tasmanian tiger, which is believed to be extinct, was a marsupial and thus not "a relative of the wolf."
An obituary on Monday about Kenneth Libo, a historian of Jewish immigration who contributed to Irving Howe's book "World of Our Fathers," misspelled the name of one of the Yiddish-language newspapers whose archives he consulted as part of the research for that book. It was Freiheit, not Freheit.
The Times welcomes comments and suggestions, or complaints about errors that warrant correction. Messages on news coverage can be e-mailed to or left toll-free at 1-888-NYT-NEWS (1-888-698-6397). Comments on editorials may be e-mailed to or faxed to (212) 556-3622.
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